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Dentures procedures > Immediate Dentures

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Temporomandibular Joint Problems
Pecancerous Condition
Jaw Fractures
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Dental Plaque
Standard Denture
Immediate Dentures
Implant Retained Dentures
Mini Iimplant Retained Dentures
Removable Partial Dentures
Sedation Dentistry

Immediate Denture 

Immediate dentures (sometimes called temporary dentures ) are actually made BEFORE the natural teeth are extracted.  The patient walks into the office with natural teeth, and walks out with false teeth.  The teeth are extracted, and a prefabricated denture is inserted directly over the bleeding sockets.  The patient is still numb from the extractions, and nothing hurts until he gets home.  Generally, most patients do not complain of much pain after their teeth are extracted and the immediate denture is inserted.  The denture acts like a band aid and reduces pain.

The construction of an immediate denture requires only one or two preliminary appointments before the insertion date, depending on how many natural teeth the patient has left.  They usually work out reasonably well.  When the patient leaves, he looks much better than when he walked into the office.  The bone that supported the original teeth is still intact, and the gum tissue is firm.  For the first week or so, the denture remains stable and reasonably retained.

Pre Operative
pre oprerative dentures
After Extraction
After Extraction dentures
After Denture
After Denture